The Story

Strong voices for young dying people

20 prominent artists lend their voices to young dying people and support the SUPERHELDEN FLIEGEN VOR initiative with their resounding commitment.


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Release Date : Februar 14, 2012
Artist : Divers Artists
Format : CD

Ulrike Folkerts, Axel Prahl, Oliver Wnuk, MARY, Robert Seethaler, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Bianca Nawrath, Louis Held and many more – they all use their voices for a good cause and interpret „Songs and poems about the happiness of having lived“.

It is rare for dying people, especially young dying people, to be visible in our society. However, it hardly ever happens that they are heard, that they draw attention to themselves loudly. But now they are receiving prominent support and strong voices.

22 songs and poems, all penned by the artist Dada Peng, founder of SUPERHELDEN FLIEGEN VOR. The music CD aims to make the topics of death, mourning and dying accessible to a broad and young audience at a low threshold.